
Today's Deals: Daily Currency | Windows Store | Free For Today

You can easily check 50 major currency exchange rates with the Daily Currency. And currencies can be shown in live tile and action center for easy viewing.

  Support - Language : English, Korean, Chinese - Country : Arab Emirates, Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Canada, China, Denmark, EU, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, USA, Vietnam - Currency : KRW,USD,EUR,JPY,CNY,GBP,CAD,CHF,HKD,SEK,AUD,DKK,NOK,SAR,KWD,BHD,AED,SGD,MYR,NZD,THB,IDR,INR,ZAR,RUB,TWD,VND,PHP,MXN,BRL,QAR,OMR,HUF,PLN,TRY,KZT,CZK,PKR,BDT,EGP,BND,ILS,JOD,MNT,DZD,LKR,CLP,KES,TZS,COP Your support keeps updates coming.

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